Monday, August 23, 2010

Having a full MacDonald's meal at such an ungodly hour is sinful but i just did it, supper after work was ultimate satisfaction, a tad better than sushi.

Was real pissed today, i seriously detest certain types of people and there's this particular annoyance with this single woman.

Thw working world is seriously a place where morales are compromised as people allow hypocrisy to get the better of them. Sometimes, its not by choice but it simply becomes a skill of survival. Its like, being blatant and frank without trying to be pretentious or superficial will just lead to your demise.
I just witness right in front of my eyes the meaning of turning behind one's back. Its like how can people be so immerse in gossiping about someone and when the person's back, revert to angels or should i say, turn into angels and suck up to the person? Ridiculous.

Can't be bothered.

On a sideline, i have a dream. I want to travel the world. Countries that i must must must visit are;

1. Maldives
3. Dubai
4. Milan
5. Rome
6. London
7. UK
8. Bali
9. Hawaii


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